This is an opt-out form for Ephraim residents. If you are
interested in opting out copy and paste this into a word document and print.
Return the form to either Rachel or Amy. Or you can sign, scan and
email it to Don't forget, if opting out is not
for you, but you respect your neighbor's right to opt-out, there is a form for
that as well!
Residents of Ephraim City, UT OPT-OUT
Exemption From Spray Request Form
Opposing the use of pesticides
on our properties and residences.
you are concerned about the city spraying your residence/property with chemical
pesticides for mosquito control, please fill out the bottom portion of this
form if you do not want your property/residence
to be sprayed with chemical pesticides/insecticides. There are less toxic approaches to control
mosquito populations. Residents should
also contact their local and state officials immediately and voice their
Negative human health effects
are well documented from pesticides. Organophosphates (Malathion) are
associated with a broad array of human health impacts. Common acute effects include difficulty
breathing, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, blurred vision, sweating, headaches and
dizziness. Human health effects may be
most severe for developing unborn babies, children, the elderly, and those with
compromised immune systems. Effects
include immune system suppression, nervous system effects, and with prenatal
exposure lower cognition (IQ), dyslexia and ADHD.
For most humans, West Nile Virus
(WNV) is a very low risk disease.
More people die from
the flu than WNV. Those at risk from
WNV, the immune compromised & elderly, will also be at risk along with the
general population, including unborn babies and children, for potential serious
adverse health effects from widespread pesticide spraying. Widespread pesticide use is documented to
harm sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable individuals.
Pesticide spraying is not very
effective. Rapid development of pest resistance to organophosphates is
well documented. Repeat spraying is
necessary to overcome rapid mosquito rebound. Long-range effects of pesticide spraying can
actually increase the number of mosquitoes by destroying their natural
predators. Mosquitoes that survive the
spraying may become resistant, longer-lived, and more aggressive.
Sustained use of pesticides puts
our ecosystems at considerable risk. Organophosphates are highly toxic to
many beneficial insects including all bees, honeybees and other essential
pollinators. Where substances have been
shown to have the potential for health and ecosystem damage, they should not be
Steps individuals can take to
minimize local mosquito populations and prevent bites:
· Remove
any unnecessary items on your property that hold stagnant water, such as old
· Empty
water from buckets, toys, and containers, and store them in places where they
will not collect rain.
· Drain
water from birdbaths, fountains, wading pools, plant pots and drip trays twice
a week.
· Check
for ways water may collect around your house: gutters, standing water on flat
roofs, puddles beneath air conditioners.
· Clear
vegetation and trash from drains, culverts, ponds or streams on your property
so that water drains properly.
· Eliminate
standing water in your basement.
· Make
sure window and door screens fit properly and replace outdoor lights with
yellow “bug lights”.
· Wear
light colored clothing.
· Keep
grassy areas short and mow lawns regularly.
To voice
your health concerns and objections to pesticide use, call/contact/email your
County Environmental Health Department or Ephraim City Manager at:
Manti Office: 40 W. 200 N., 435-835-2231, Mt.
Pleasant Office: 20 S. 100 W., 435-462-2449,
Ephraim City Manager: 5 S. Main, 435-283-4631,
Please ensure the following
property is not sprayed/fogged with any pesticides/insecticides for any
mosquito control spray program or any other pest control program in the city of
Ephraim, UT.
____________________________________ _________________________________________
(Print) Email
____________________________________ _________________________________________
Street City
State Zip
____________________________________ _________________________________________
Signature Date Phone
Please confirm this request by
email: _____ Please confirm this request in writing: _____
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